The marketplace for person-based data where individuals are paid fairly and data usage is secure and transparent.
Sector: MarketingTech; Consumer behavioural data
Founder: Owen Hanks, Paul Neto; John Martin
HQ in: London, UK
Founded in: 2018
Invested in: 2020
The leading Consumer Intelligence Company, providing clients with access to the most powerful and actionable data to make key business decisions.

Measure’s solution allows large scale corporates to get permissioned access to consumer data.
Measure's mission is to democratize data by giving individuals control over their data in a permissioned and privacy-by-design environment where they are compensated fairly, and data buyers, users and society can benefit from clean data of the greatest possible quality.

Measure Protocol disrupting the $100 Bn global insights industry with the most powerful Consumer Intelligence data.”

Owen Hanks


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